PD Rwelamila
Prof. P D Rwelamila is a professional project manager and a project procurement systems expert. Until December 2021, he was a Professor of Project Management & Procurement Systems at UNISA – School of Business Leadership & Currently Professor Emeritus of Project Management & Procurement Systems – UNISA-SBL.
He has experience of more than 30 years in consulting in construction economics, policy development and conducting studies in project appraisal, construction project planning, procurement, contract formulation and management, project performance evaluation and strategic project management. He has organised and conducted more than 60 continuous professional development courses for construction across countries.
He is an author of more than 200 peer reviewed journal and conference proceeding publications, research, and study reports. From 1987 to 1999 he was lecturing at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in construction management and project management that is inclusive of project procurement. From 2000 to-date he has been lecturing at postgraduate and executive level in project management, project procurement and strategic project management.
PD Rwelamila has been involved in high level assignments in South Africa, Australia and United Kingdom including the development of South African Construction Industry; Re-evaluation of Operations – Shelter Afrique; Development of CPD programmes for Senior Project Managers – at the Dutch Shell Project Management Academy, QUT, Brisbane, Australia; and Review of the Association of Project Managers (APM) thinking on project management body of knowledge – Manchester and APM, UK. Furthermore, he has been involved directly through two South African firms in planning and implementation of PPP projects in South Africa.
Until March 2018, Prof. Rwelamila was a non-executive director and board chairman of Msingi Construction Project Management (Pty) Ltd ; and Proceedings Editor, AABD. He has been a consultant to various public and private organisations in South Africa. Prof. Rwelamila is also the joint co-coordinator of CIB W107 and past president of South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP). Since 1999, he has been a resource person at the Stellenbosch University’s Prestigious Executive Programme for the South African Construction Industry – Construction Management Programme (CMP) in the Department of Civil Engineering.