Published Books
Click on the button to purchase a copy of the below books published by ASOCSA members.

Introduction to Construction Health and Safety Management
Editors: Theo C. Haupt
Published by Juta (300 Pages)
An introductory construction health and safety text will change the way that entry-level South African, and health and safety practitioners elsewhere, see the subject. This foundational text is a must-read and an excellent addition to all practitioners’ and academic reference material when navigating the construction health and safety space. The text is a blend of research-based theory and industry-based practice which will assist in meeting good standards in the workplace for those just entering the field after graduating from college or university, or even the seasoned practitioner who needs a refresher. A selective range of foundational subject areas relating to construction health and safety are covered in the text. Areas generally not well managed on construction sites, specifically in the field of occupational health, are extremely important in managing employee wellbeing, primary health care and limiting occupational diseases. The author has included his knowledge, and decades of experience in construction health and safety across many countries, into this introductory text.

Applied Construction Health & Safety
Editors: Theo C. Haupt and John Smallwood
Published by Juta (400 Pages)
This book aims to fill the gap between the theory and application of construction health and safety. It teaches users to manage construction health and safety through the practical application of knowledge and understanding the legal requirements for construction health and safety at work. It explores the implementation of health and safety management systems, the identification of workplace hazards, and methods of hazard control. The content of the book is developed and presented according to the following fundamental elements of a construction project as advocated by the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP).

Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development
Editors: Theo C. Haupt, Mariam Akinlolu, Fredrick Simpeh, Christopher Amoah, Zakheeya Armoed
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in built environment, as presented by international researchers at the 15th Built Environment Conference, held in Durban, South Africa, on September 27-28, 2021, and organized by the Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA). The overarching theme of the conference was “Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development”, with contributions focusing on current trends, innovations, opportunities and challenges, policies and procedures, legislation and regulations, practices and case studies, in both the public and private sectors. The volume will contribute to the existing body of knowledge relative to the science and practice of construction not only in South Africa but wherever the products of construction are produced even in these new challenging times of fear and uncertainty.

Valuing People in Construction
Edited by Fidelis Emuze and John Smallwood
Published August 10, 2017 by Routledge (292 Pages)
The book addresses people issues in the construction industry where behavioural outcomes impact upon business and project performance. The main proposition of the book is that as people continue to lead the completion of construction activities, their health, safety, and well-being should be seen as a priority, and valued by stakeholders. As employers and employees, the role of people in construction must be to strive for the improvement of individual lives and society. This edited collection, which is the first book to focus specifically on placing value on people in construction, focuses on people at work, gender at work, conditions at work, and respect at work. In addition to an editorial overview, the book presents tested and refined empirical work and case studies by leading construction researchers from Africa, Australia, and Europe.

Value and Waste in Lean Construction
Edited by Fidelis A. Emuze and Tarcisio A. Saurin
Published November 30, 2015 by Routledge (176 Pages)
Non-value adding activities are otherwise known as ‘waste’ in the lean construction lexicon. The aim of this collection is to build a common understanding of the role and contribution of value-adding activities in achieving stipulated objectives and continuous improvement in construction projects, and to contrast this with waste. Although the lean approach to construction projects has been widely covered, this is the first book that explicitly provides the link between value and waste in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector.
This internationally researched collection seeks to create a paradigm shift, which will shape work processes and future directions for how value is conceptualized and operationalized in both the project management and business aspects of construction. The readers will gain an understanding of:
- The value-adding paradigm in construction
- How to make value-supporting decisions
- Waste identification and control in practice
With contributions from South Africa, Brazil, Norway, and the USA, the implications of this book are globally relevant. This is essential reading for all higher level students of construction management and economics, and all professionals interested in value management.

Construction Safety Pocketbook for South Africa
Edited by Fidelis A. Emuze
Published by UJ Press
Construction is one of the oldest activities known to mankind, yet it is an industry where the health, safety and wellbeing of people are often at risk. While South African construction safety laws and regulations are up-to-date, the accidents, injuries and fatalities at construction sites remain a challenge. This pocketbook, which is based on the 2014 Construction Regulations, serves as a handy reference guide addressing the most common hazards facing construction workers.

Construction Health and Safety in Developing Countries
Edited By Patrick Manu, Fidelis Emuze, Tarcisio Abreu Saurin, Bonaventura Hadikusumo
Published September 4, 2019 by Routledge (346 Pages)
The global construction sector is infamous for high levels of injuries, accidents and fatalities, and poor health and well-being of its workforce. While this record appears in both developed and developing countries, the situation is worse in developing countries, where major spending on infrastructure development is expected. There is an urgent need to improve construction health and safety (H&S) in developing countries. The improvement calls for the development of context-specific solutions underpinned by research into challenges and related solutions.
This edited volume advances the current understanding of construction H&S in developing countries by revealing context-specific issues and challenges that have hitherto not been well explored in the literature, and applying emergent H&S management approaches and practices in developing countries.

Management of Safety, Health and Environment in South Africa: A Handbook
By Theo C. Haupt
Published September 10, 2021 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing
This handbook is a comprehensive reference text for both seasoned and novice practitioners wanting to know how better to manage safety, health and environment at work. Blending theory with practice, it provides guidance on key aspects and principles applicable in any workplace in any industry and is accompanied by well-thought-out and ready-to-use supporting documents. Since the focus is on better practice, the book has an international application.